Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW)

Having an Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) to guide you on any known or potential ecological constraints that are present on-site, can be essential to ensure that your teams are appropriately briefed and that your project is able to proceed lawfully.

Many species of plants and animals, along with their supporting habitats, are legally protected in England, and there are many actions which makes it a criminal offence to impact these species. Therefore, it is important to demonstrate that appropriate care has been taken during enabling and construction works to avoid impacts to protected species, with clear audit available to evidence this.

Expert advice and identification of an ecological constraint on the ground, as well as real time knowledge of legislation, are the key skillsets you should expect from an ECoW. These skills, alongside experience in risk management, will help find pragmatic solutions to ensure the lawful proceeding of your project.

Our regular ECoW roles on-site include the following:

  • Conducting watching briefs
  • Identification and resolution of ecological constraints
  • Monitoring and management of habitats and/or protected species
  • Overseeing the implementation of mitigation licences for European Protected Species
  • Production of daily site reports

What you need to Know about ECoWs

Our Approach

At Arun Ecology our approach is always risk based and we will always be honest and transparent about the best way to proceed with your project. We are bound by the CIEEM Code of Conduct for Ecologists and work in accordance with industry best practice guidelines for protected species.

The Arun Team

At Arun Ecology we have an in-house team and extended network of highly skilled ecologists, who hold the required Class Licence to work with protected species and identify any ecological constraints on your site.

The diversity in career backgrounds and our experience of working on construction and forestry sites means we are able to communicate effectively with project managers and contractors on the ground.


Your project might require an Ecological Clerk of Works to be present on-site where there is an active ecological consideration (such as a protected habitat or species) which could require ecological expertise to ensure that an offence is not committed as a result of the proposed works. You may also require an ECoW on-site in order to comply with certain licencing and planning conditions or supervise works when working under a precautionary methods of work document.

A suitably qualified Ecological Clerk of Works should be a specialist in identifying the important ecological features or species present on-site. They should also have excellent knowledge of the relevant legislation and experience to apply this on the ground to ensure the project proceeds lawfully.

The role of the Ecological Clerk of Works can vary, depending upon the proposed works. Typically they will lead site briefings on any ecological considerations for the site team. ECoWs may also undertake pre-work checks to identify ecological constraints, coordinate site works and supervise any active works to ensure no offences are committed during the works. The ECoW may also report on the outcome of the works and compliance checks related to the works.

Our Services

Phase 1 Habitat Survey
UK Habitat Classification
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal
Ecological Impact Assessment
Biodiversity Net Gain
Ecological Clerk of Works

Helping to address the ecological
and climate crisis

At Arun Ecology it’s not all just about driving business. We want to contribute to addressing the challenges of our time to ensure a prosperous future for the next generation.

So, as part of our service, each time you commission us we are committed to planting one tree within the UK, through our partnership with Creating Tomorrow’s Forests.

Watch this space to find out more about how we are contributing to nature recovery and tackling climate change.

Contact us

Contact us today or request a call back at a more convenient time to discuss your project.

Whether you wish to request a quote or ask us a question, our friendly and experienced team will always be happy to advise and will endeavour to respond as quickly as possible.