Consultancy Services

Arun Ecology is an ecological consultancy with a specialist and experienced in-house team. We provide the core consultancy services that are required when considering biodiversity within the planning process.

Our commitment to quality is evident throughout our work. We provide reliable and pragmatic solutions to help projects move forward and use our expertise to drive positive outcomes for biodiversity on every scheme that we work on.

We are quickly gaining the trust of our clients and becoming the preferred supplier of ecology services.

Why our consultancy services are needed

Local Planning Authorities have a statutory duty to have regard for material planning considerations when delivering their functions, which includes having regard for the conservation and enhancement for the improvement of biodiversity.

The duty on Local Planning Authorities includes considering how a development might impact ‘protected’ and ‘priority’ species and habitats, as well as designated sites, when determining planning applications.

Following the passing of the Environmental Bill into law, the duty of LPAs now goes further to ensure that all (qualifying) developments must lead to genuine and demonstratable gains for biodiversity, through Biodiversity Net Gain.

Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA)

Ecological Impact Assessment (ECiA)

Biodiversity Net Gain

Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW)

Helping to address the ecological
and climate crisis

At Arun Ecology it’s not all just about driving business. We want to contribute to addressing the challenges of our time to ensure a prosperous future for the next generation.

So, as part of our service, each time you commission us we are committed to planting one tree within the UK, through our partnership with Creating Tomorrow’s Forests.

Watch this space to find out more about how we are contributing to nature recovery and tackling climate change.

Contact us

Contact us today or request a call back at a more convenient time to discuss your project.

Whether you wish to request a quote or ask us a question, our friendly and experienced team will always be happy to advise and will endeavour to respond as quickly as possible.