Bat Aerial Inspections and Tree Climbing

How are aerial inspections and tree climbing used to survey bats?

Aerial Inspections via MEWPs (Mobile Elevated Work Platforms) and Tree Climbing Surveys for bats are efficient and versatile surveying options where proposed works are ‘reasonably likely’ to impact bats and their roosts.

Preliminary Ground Level Tree Roost Assessment

Aerial inspections via a MEWP or tree climbing surveys can be carried out to complement a Preliminary Roost Assessment, where a tree is initially assessed from ground level as having potential roosting features (PRFs) for bats.

The main benefit of incorporating an aerial inspection into the PGLTRA is that it enables a more detailed and accurate assessment of PRFs on a tree and can be undertaken at any time of year. Ultimately this means that only trees that are suitable for roosting bats are scoped in for further surveys, avoiding unnecessary delays and costs to a project.

Presence/absence surveys in place of dusk emergence and dawn re-entry surveys

Aerial Inspections of trees via MEWPS or tree climbing surveys can be used in place of dusk emergence and/or dawn re-entry surveys on trees between May – September to determine the presence/absence of bats. This is only possible, however, where all potential roosting features for bats on a tree can be reached and inspected with an endoscope or torch.

The main benefit of this approach is that multiple trees can be targeted by a team in a single visit and the data collected during the survey can be more conclusive in determining if a bat is present on the day.

Checks prior to the felling of trees or repair/demolition of buildings.

Where there remains a risk that bats could be present at the time a tree is planned for felling or a building is demolished, aerial inspections can be used to complete a final check for bats.

The use of MEWPs and tree climbing are good options for quick and accurate inspections to ensure a project remains compliant with the laws protecting bats at the enabling stage of a project, or while working under European Protected Species Licences.

This approach does not remove the need for a proportionate survey effort to determine the presence/absence of bats at the correct time of year.

What you need to know about a PGLTRA

Safety First - Working at Height Regulations

At Arun Ecology we have a commitment to safe working practices and undertake all of our working at height in accordance with the Work at Height Regulations 2005.

It is important to consider safety prior to commissioning aerial inspections and tree climbing surveys to ensure successful completion of the surveys. This includes ensuring both the structures and/or trees, as well the surrounding work environment are safe to work in.

Our Approach

Although there is currently a lack of formal guidance on aerial inspections via MEWPs and tree climbing to survey for bats, the methods are commonly accepted by LPAs and regulators such as Natural England.

Our Staff

We have in-house staff and an extended network of specialist bat surveyors that are registered to use the Level 2 Class Licence to Survey Bats and work at height. This includes:

  • NPTC City & Guilds Level 2 Award in tree climbing and rescue (CS38)
  • Accredited Working at Height Training
  • Safety Lanyard Training for use in a MEWP

Our Services

Phase 1 Habitat Survey
UK Habitat Classification
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal
Ecological Impact Assessment
Biodiversity Net Gain
Ecological Clerk of Works

Helping to address the ecological
and climate crisis

At Arun Ecology it’s not all just about driving business. We want to contribute to addressing the challenges of our time to ensure a prosperous future for the next generation.

So, as part of our service, each time you commission us we are committed to planting one tree within the UK, through our partnership with Creating Tomorrow’s Forests.

Watch this space to find out more about how we are contributing to nature recovery and tackling climate change.

Contact us

Contact us today or request a call back at a more convenient time to discuss your project.

Whether you wish to request a quote or ask us a question, our friendly and experienced team will always be happy to advise and will endeavour to respond as quickly as possible.

Our Other Bat Surveys